
Review: Virtual Piggy makes e-commerce child’s play - yeltonthationothe

At a Glance

Expert's Rating


  • Great idea
  • Fosters nurture-child communication

Our Finding of fact

Virtual Swinish, a safe online payment system for kids, is a great mind in ask of around fine-tuning.

The musical theme bottom Practical Piggy is solid: This cloud-based service, which is planned to help children shop online safely and firmly, allows for communicating between parents and children, and protects children from some of the dangers lurking online without zapping their sense of independence. But right at once it suffers from a few glitches that may make it hard for some kids—especially those on the younger end—to use without foiling.

Virtual Piggy is gratuitous to use. Parents sign improving for an account, and then produce profiles for each child they'd like to utilize the service. This requires entrance the child's name and date of birth, then creating a username and countersign for that child.

The parent force out fixed certain parameters for the child's online shopping, such as transaction limits (both in dollar amounts for individual transactions and per Clarence Shepard Day Jr. or week), and approval settings (which means the service will notify you whenever your child makes a transaction that is either supra a reliable amount surgery with a certain merchant). You also link a payment method—a charge card or a PayPal account—to your shaver's profile and set a monthly adjustment, which is the level bes number the child can spend each month.

Virtual Piggy's child splasher shows the user how some they have left to spend, and which merchants they're allowed to shop at.

Virtual Piggy has relationships with a aggroup of online retailers that sell everything from games and books to apparel and more. These retailers, which include big-ish names like (maker of Beanie Babies) and small-known sites like R&R Games, have in agreement to allow children to function their Virtual Piggy accounts for checkout.

When they agree to work with Virtual Piggy, the retail sites settle which age children they'll work with. Victimisation this information, Realistic Hoggish creates a leaning of retailers that are age-right for your child when you sign them up. You can delete sites from the child's calculate, but you cannot add others. Realistic Piggy says that it respects the retailers' limits on child ages.

When your child logs in to their Practical Piggy account, their dashboard shows them, in a large, colorful graphic, how much money they have left-wing to pass. It also shows them their realistic savings account, which is defined aside a goal you put down up when creating their account. The child can transfer some of their spending money into this savings bucket, just the result is entirely virtual. They'ray not actually taking money from your credit card or linked payment account and putt it in a savings account, they're merely showing you how so much they'd save. Information technology's slightly unclear, even for adults.

The Practical Piggy defrayment push, shown present every bit IT appears on, allows children to make purchases without entering any personal data.

I expected the shopping aspect to be a bit fewer confusing, but was stymied a trifle here, too. I created a Practical Piggy account for a 7-year-gray-headed boy, and linked a PayPal account Eastern Samoa a financial backin source. When I logged in to his dashboard, I saw the list of available stores, but entirely were starred as "blocked." I used the option to send an approval request to the parent, but got a system error that surely would have perplexed a child. It wasn't until the adjacent twenty-four hours that I was fit to send the approval request by rights—something the company attributes to a small bug.

Once the approval requests came through (they come via email and in your Essential Piggy account, atomic number 3 all of the service's notifications do), I was competent to figure out that the merchants were not approved because no of them accepted PayPal, and that was the only funding source I'd added. Once I joined a charge plate to my account statement, the stores were approved for the kid to shop at at.

Shopping takes you forbidden of the Virtual Piggy site, merely the child is non nigh defenseless. All of the merchants are theoretical to have buttons on their site that allow the child to pay with Virtual Piggy, much the way you could superior pay with PayPal American Samoa an option at several retailers. The child only has to put down their Realistic Piggy user name and password, and the dealing details are handled between the retail merchant and Virtual Piggy. If the transaction meets all of your authorised settings, information technology goes through mechanically, shipping to the address you've designated. If information technology needs approval, a notification is sent allowing the nurture to approve or decline the purchase.

On paper, this process sounds great. Merely it didn't always bring on quite as seamlessly for me. When I unsuccessful to make a purchase from, it worked well. The site had an easily identifiable Salary with Realistic Porcine button, and the service notified me of the transaction. But when my child tried to patronize, the situation didn't have a Virtual Piggy button to be plant, something the folks at Realistic Piglet say might represent due to an update in process at that retailer.

Whole, Realistic Piggy is a great theme in need of much nongranular-tuning. It could benefit from adding more retailers, something the company says is continually happening. And the folk at Virtual Piggy say they are working on overhauling the service from a usability period of view for children, something that will pass a long way toward fashioning Virtual Piggy the service it deserves to be.

Note: The Download button takes you to the trafficker's place, where you can use the latest version of this Net-based software.


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